Religious Education

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I like learning about other religions. It's interesting to find out about their celebrations and traditions - Year 3 Pupil

Curriculum Intent

We believe that Religious Education should be impartial and that religious stories, beliefs and traditions teach us about the world around us and our place within it.  We provide opportunities for children to develop their knowledge and understanding of religious and non-religious beliefs, allowing for an appreciation and respect for all in our multi-cultural, diverse community.  Learning allows children to aspire to different ways of thinking about the world and to create their own opinions.  Children are encouraged to think about their own views or beliefs and share these through a range of activities and personal reflection.

We have designed our Religious Education curriculum to reflect our school community and the UK as a whole.  The sequence has been deliberately designed to enable both progression in understanding and knowledge and immersion in different religious and non-religious views. 

Curriculum Implementation

In Years 1-6, RE is taught through half termly RE days.  These days are designed to allow our pupils to reflect on their own sense of who they are, what they believe, what they value and how these influence their lives every day. 

During an RE Day, children will engage with learning through a range of activities.  Although recording these will vary, at least a page of evidence and a personal reflection will appear in every child's RE book for each RE Day. 

RE books will move through the school with the children and will become a repository of both their growing knowledge and their developing understanding of themselves, their beliefs and values.